Journal papers


In 2006 an overview of learning with computer simulations and in

2013 a review of learning with virtual and physical laboratories appeared in Science magazine.

In July 2013 we won the Science IBI (Inquiry Based Instruction) prize


Villarta, L., van der Veen, J., & de Jong, T. (2025). Role of analogies with classical physics in introductory quantum physics teaching. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 21, 010108.

Papadopoulos, P. M., Steinrücke, J. & de Jong, T. (2024). As it unfolds: Exploring the impact of team-based gamification on performance, confidence, and engagement. Learning & Individual Differences, 116, 102625

de Araujo, A., Papadopoulos, P, McKenney, S., & de Jong, T. (2024). A learning analytics-based collaborative conversational agent to foster productive dialogue in inquiry learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 40, 2700-2714.

Şişman, B., K., Steinrücke, J. & de Jong, T. (2024). Does giving students feedback on their concept maps through an on-screen avatar or a humanoid robot make a difference? International Journal of Social Robotics, 16, 1783-1796.

de Jong, T., Lazonder, A. W., Chinn, C. A., Fischer, F., Gobert, J., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Koedinger, K. R., Krajcik, J. S., Kyza, E. A., Linn, M. C., Pedaste, M., Scheiter, K., & Zacharia, Z. C. (2024). Beyond inquiry or direct instruction:  Pressing issues for designing impactful science learning opportunities. Educational Research Review, 44, 100623

Kuang, X., Eysink, T. H. S., & de Jong, T. (2024). Presenting domain information or self-exploration to foster hypothesis generation in simulation-based inquiry learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 61(1), 70-102.

de Jong, T., Lazonder, A. W., Chinn, C. A., Fischer, F., Gobert, J., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Koedinger, K. R., Krajcik, J. S., Kyza, E. A., Linn, M. C., Pedaste, M., Scheiter, K., & Zacharia, Z. C. (2023). Let’s talk evidence - The case for combining inquiry-based and direct instruction. Educational Research Review, 100536.

Steinrücke, J., Veldkamp, B.P.M., & de Jong, T. (2023). The effect of self-reflection on information usage and information literacy in a digital serious game. Computers & Education Open, 4, 100133.

Siantuba, J., Nkhata, L.. & de Jong, T. (2023). The impact of an online inquiry-based learning environment addressing misconceptions on students' performance in the topic of circular motion. Smart Learning Environments, 10, 22.

de Araujo, A., Papadopoulos, P, McKenney, S., & de Jong, T. (2023). Automated coding of student chats, a trans-topic and language approach. Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4, 100123.

Maureen, I., van der Meij, H., & de Jong, T. (2022). Evaluating storytelling activities for early literacy development. International Journal of Early Years Education, 30(4), 679-696.

Eshuis, E., ter Vrugte, J., & de Jong, T. (2022). Supporting reflection to improve learning from self-generated concept maps. Metacognition & Learning, 17 , 691-713.

Kuang, X., Eysink, T., & de Jong, T. (2022). Effects of providing domain information on facilitating hypothesis generation in inquiry learning. The Journal of Educational Research,115, 285–297.

Dmoshinkaia, N., Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2022). Giving feedback on peers’ concept maps as a learning experience: does the quality of the reviewed concept maps matter? Learning Environments Research, 25, 823-840.

Hovardas, T., Zacharia, Z.C., Xenofontos, N., de Jong, T., de Jong (2022). How many words are enough? Investigating the effect of different configurations of a software scaffold for formulating scientific hypotheses in inquiry oriented contexts? Instructional Science, 50, 361-390

Dmoshinkaia, N., Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2022). Does learning from giving feedback depend on the product being reviewed: concept maps or answers to test questions? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 31, 166-176.

Eshuis, E., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, & de Jong, T. (2022). Expert examples and prompted reflection in learning with self-generated concept maps. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38, 350-365.

van Riesen, S.A.N., Gijlers, H, Anjewierden, A., & de Jong, T. (2022). The influence of prior knowledge on the effectiveness of guided experiment design. Interactive learning Environments, 30, 17-33.

Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Prieto, L.P., Ley, T., Gillet, D., & de Jong, T. (2021). ADA for IBL: Lessons learned in aligning learning design and analytics for inquiry-based learning orchestration. Journal of Learning Analytics, 8, 22-50.

Kroeze, K., Van den Berg, S., Veldkamp, B., & de Jong, T. (2021). Automated assessment of and feedback on concept maps during inquiry learningIEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 14, 460-473.

Dmoshinkaia, N., Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2021). Giving feedback on peers’ concept maps in an inquiry learning context: the effect of providing assessment criteria. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 30, 420-430.

Dmoshinkaia, N., Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2021). Learning from reviewing peers’ concept maps in an inquiry context: commenting or grading, which is better? Studies in Educational Evaluation, 68, 100959.

de Jong, T., Gillet, D., Rodríguez-Triana, M. J., Hovardas, T., Dikke, D., Doran, R., Dziabenko, O., Koslowsky, J., Korventausta, M., Law, E., Pedaste, M., Tasiopoulou, E., Vidal, G.  Zacharia, Z.C. (2021). Understanding teacher design practices for digital inquiry-based science learning: the case of Go-Lab, Educational Technology Research & Development, 69, 417-444.

Rodríguez-Triana, M. J., Prieto, L.P., Ley, T., de Jong, T., & Gillet, D. (2020). Social practices in teacher knowledge creation and innovation adoption: a large-scale study in an online instructional design community for inquiry learning. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 15, 445-467.

Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Prieto, L.P., Ley, T., Gillet, D., & de Jong, T. (2020) Combining the Knowledge Appropriation Model and epistemic networks to understand co-creation and adoption of learning designs using log data. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa, 74, 190-205.

Vilarta Rodriguez, L., van der Veen, J.T., Anjewierden, A., van der Berg, E., & de Jong, T. (2020). Designing inquiry-based learning environments for introductory quantum physics education. Physics Education, 55.

Xenofontis, N. Hovardas, T., Zacharias, Z., & de Jong, T. (2020). Inquiry-based learning and retrospective action: Problematizing student work in a computer-supported learning environment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36, 12-28.

van der Graaf, J., Segers, E.  & de Jong, T. (2020). The effect of integration and signaling on inquiry learning and knowledge acquisition. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 62, 101890

Eysink, T.H.S., Van Dijk, A., & de Jong, T. (2020). BE COOL!: A digital learning environment to challenge and socially include gifted learners. Educational Technology Research & Development, 68, 2373-2393.

Ozgur Kapici, H., Akcay, H., & de Jong, T. (2020). How do different laboratory environments influence students’ attitudes towards science courses and laboratories? Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 52, 534-549.

Steinrücke, J., Veldkamp, B.P.M., & de Jong, T. (2020). Information literacy skills assessment in digital crisis management training. Frontiers in Education, 5.

Kuang, X., Eysink, T., & de Jong, T. (2020). Effects of providing partial hypotheses as a support for simulation-based inquiry learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36, 487-501.

Maureen, I., van der Meij, H., & de Jong, T. (2020). Enhancing storytelling activities to support early (digital) literacy development in early childhood education. International Journal of Early Childhood, 52, 55-76.

Van Dijk, A., Eysink, T.H.S., & de Jong, T. (2020). Supporting cooperative dialogue in heterogeneous groups in elementary education. Small Group Research, 51, 464-491

Steinrücke, J., Veldkamp, B.P.M., & de Jong, T. (2019). Determining the effect of stress on analytical skills performance in digital decision games: Towards an unobtrusive measure of experienced stress in gameplay scenarios. Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 144-155.

Kroeze, K., van den Berg, S.M., Lazonder, A.W., Veldkamp, B., & de Jong, T. (2019). Automated feedback can improve hypothesis quality. Frontiers in Education, 3(116)

Eshuis, E., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, A., Bollen, L., Sikken, J., & de Jong, T. (2019). Improving the quality of vocational students’ collaboration and knowledge acquisition through instruction and joint reflection. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 14, 53-76.

Ozgur Kapici, H., Akcay, H., & de Jong, T. (2019). Using hands-on and virtual laboratories alone or together―which works better for acquiring knowledge and skills? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28, 231-250.

de Jong, T. (2019). Moving towards engaged learning in STEM domains; there is no simple answer but clearly a road ahead. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35, 153-167.

Sergis, S., Sampson, D.G., Pelliccione, L., Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Gillet, D., de Jong, T. (2019). Using educational data from teaching and learning to inform teachers’ reflective educational design in inquiry-based STEM education. Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 724-738.

Maureen, I., van der Meij, H., & de Jong, T. (2018). Supporting literacy and digital literacy development in early childhood education through the use of storytelling activities. International Journal of Early Childhood, 50, 371-389

van Riesen, S.A.N., Gijlers, H, Anjewierden, A., & de Jong, T. (2018). The influence of prior knowledge on experiment design guidance in a science inquiry context. International Journal of Science Education, 11, 1327-1344.

Efstathiou, C., Hovardas, T., Xenofontos, N., Zacharia, Z., de Jong, T., Anjewierden, A., & van Riesen, S.A.N. (2018). Providing guidance in virtual lab experimentation: The case of an experiment design tool. Educational Technology Research & Development, 66, 767-791.

Magana, A.J. & de Jong T. (Eds.). (2018). Special issue on modeling and simulation practices in Engineering Education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 26(4).

Magana, A.J. & de Jong, T. (2018). Modeling and simulation practices in engineering education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 26, 731-738.

van Riesen, S.A.N., Gijlers, H, Anjewierden, A., & de Jong, T. (2018). Supporting learners' experiment design. Educational Technology Research & Development, 66, 475-491.

ter Vrugte, J., de Jong, T., Wouters, P., Vandercruysse, S., Elen, J., & van Oostendorp, H. (2017). Computer game-based mathematics education: embedded faded worked examples facilitate knowledge acquisition. Learning and Instruction, 50, 44-53.

Wouters, P. van Oostendorp, H., ter Vrugte, J., de Jong, T., vanderCruysse, S., & Elen, J. (2017). The effect of surprising events in a serious game on learning mathematics. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48, 860-977.

Vandercruysse, S., ter Vrugte, J., de Jong, T., Wouters, P., van Oostendorp, H., Verschaffel, L., & Elen, J. (2017). Content integration as a factor in math-game effectiveness. Educational Technology Research & Development, 65, 1345-1368.

Kollöffel, B., & de Jong, T. (2016). Can information about peers' performance boost knowledge acquisition? Contrasting criterion-based and social comparison feedback. Interactive Learning Environments, 24, 1428-1438.

Vandercruysse, S., ter Vrugte, J., de Jong, T., Wouters, P., van Oostendorp, H., Verschaffel L., Moeyeart, M., & Elen, J. (2016). The effectiveness of a math game: The impact of integrating conceptual clarification as support. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 21-33.

Van Dijk, A.M., Eijsink, T.H.S., & de Jong T. (2016). Ability-related differences in performance of an inquiry task: The added value of prompts. Learning & Individual Differences, 47, 145-155.

Mulder, Y., Bollen, L., de Jong, T., Lazonder, A.W. (2016). Scaffolding learning by modeling: The effects of partially worked out models. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53, 502-523.

ter Vrugte, J., & de Jong, T., Wouters, P., Vandercruysse, S., Elen, J., & van Oostendorp, H. (2015). How competition and heterogeneous collaboration interact in prevocational game-based mathematics education. Computers & Education, 89, 42,52.

Mulder, Y., Lazonder, A.W., de Jong, T., (2015). Simulation-based inquiry learning and computer modelling: Pitfalls and potentials. Simulation & Gaming, 46, 322–347.

ter Vrugte, J., & de Jong, T., Wouters, P., Vandercruysse, S., Elen, J., & van Oostendorp, H. (2015). Why a game supports prevocational math education but integrated reflection does not. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 31, 462-480.

Mulder, Y., Lazonder, A.W., de Jong, T., (2015). Key characteristics of successful science learning: the promise of learning by modelling. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 24, 168-177.

Pedaste, M. Mäeots, M. Siiman L. A., de Jong, T., van Riesen, S. A. N., Kamp, E. T., Manoli, C. C., Zachariac, Z. C., & Tsourlidaki, E. (2015). Phases of inquiry-based learning: definitions and the inquiry cycleEducational Research Review, 14, 47-61.

Zacharia, Z.C., Manoli, C., Xenofontos, N., de Jong, T., Pedaste, M., van Riesen, S., Kamp, E., Mäeots, M., Siiman. L., Tsourlidaki, E. (2015). Identifying potential types of guidance for supporting student inquiry when using virtual and remote labs: A literature review. ETR&D, 63, 257-302

Vandercruysse, S., Vandewaetere, M., ter Vrugte, J., Wouters, P., de Jong, T., van Oostendorp, H., & Elen, J. (2015). Development and validation of the game perceptions scale (GPS). Journal of Multimedia and Hypermedia, 24, 43-74.

de Jong, T., Sotiriou, S., & Gillet, D. (2014). Innovations in STEM education: The Go-Lab federation of online labs Smart Learning Environments, 1, 3.

Zacharia, Z.C., & de Jong, T. (2014). The effects on students’ conceptual understanding of electric circuits of introducing virtual manipulatives within a physical manipulatives oriented curriculum. Cognition and Instruction, 32, 101-158.

Caballero, D., van Riesen, S.A.N., Álvarez, S., Nussbaum, M., de Jong, T., Alario-Hoyos, C. (2014). The effects of whole-class interactive instruction with single display groupware for triangles. Computers & Education, 70, 203-2011.

Mulder, Y.G., Lazonder, A.W., & de Jong, T. (2014). Using heuristic worked examples to promote inquiry-based learning. Learning and Instruction, 29, 56-64.

Vreman- de Olde, C., de Jong, T., & Gijlers, H. (2013). Learning by designing instruction in the context of simulation-based inquiry learning. Educational Technology and Society Journal, 16(4) 47-58.

Kolloffel, B., & de Jong, T. (2013). Conceptual understanding about electrical circuits in secondary vocational engineering education: Combining traditional instruction with inquiry learning in a virtual lab. Journal of Engineering Education, 102, 375-393.

Birman, K., Rexford, J. Roughgarden, T. Seitzer, M., Spohrer, J., Stolterman, E., Kearsly, G., Koszalka, T., & de Jong, T. (2013). Computer/Information sciences. Educational Technology Magazine, 53, 16-25.

Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2013). Using concept maps to facilitate collaborative simulation-based inquiry learning. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 22, 340-374.

Pedaste, M, de Jong, T., Sarapuu, T,  Piksööt, J. van Joolingen, W.R., & Giemza, A.  (2013). Investigating  ecosystems as a blended learning experience, Science, 340, 1537-1538.

de Jong, T., Linn, M. C., & Zacharia, Z. C. (2013). Physical and virtual laboratories in science and engineering education. Science, 340, 305-308.

Olympiou, G., Zacharia, Z.C., & de Jong, T. (2013). Making the invisible visible: Enhancing students' conceptual understanding by introducing representations of abstract objects in a simulation. Instructional Science, 41, 575-596.

Hagemans, M.G., van der Meij, H., & de Jong, T. (2013). The effects of a concept map-based support tool on simulation-based inquiry learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, 1-24.

Leemkuil, H., & de Jong, T. (2012). Adaptive advice in learning with a computer-based strategy game. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11, 653-665.

Mulder, Y., Lazonder, A.W., de Jong, T., Anjewierden, A. , Bollen, L. (2012). Validating and optimizing the effects of model progression in simulation-based inquiry learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21, 722-729.

Bonestroo, W.J. & de Jong T. (2012). The planning illusion: Does active planning of a learning route support learning as well as learners think it does? Educational Studies, 38, 559-571.

de Jong, T., Weinberger, A., Girault, I., Kluge, A., Lazonder, A.W., Pedaste, M., Ludvigsen, S., Ney, M., Wasson, B., Wichmann, A., Geraedts, C., Giemza, A., Hovardas, T., Julien, R., van Joolingen, W.R., Lejeune, A., Manoli, C.C., Matteman, Y., Sarapuu, T., Verkade, A., Vold, V., Zacharia, Z.C. (2012). Using scenarios to design complex technology-enhanced learning environments. Educational Technology Research & Development 60, 883-901.

Eysink, T.H.S. & de Jong, T. (2012). Does instructional approach matter? How elaboration plays a crucial role in multimedia learning. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21, 583-624.

Bonestroo, W.J. & de Jong, T. (2012). Effects of planning on task load, knowledge, and tool preference: A comparison of two tools. Interactive Learning Environments, 20, 141–153.

van Borkulo, S.P., van Joolingen, W.R., Savelsbergh, E.R., & de Jong, T.  (2012). What can be learned from computer modeling? Comparing expository and modeling approaches to teaching dynamic systems behavior. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21, 267–275.

Savelsbergh, E., de Jong, T., & Ferguson-Hessler, M.G.M. (2011). Choosing the right solution approach: The crucial role of situational knowledge in electricity and magnetism. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 7, 010103 

Kolloffel, B., de Jong, T., & Eysink, T.H.S. (2011). Comparing the effects of representational tools in collaborative and individual inquiry learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6, 223-251.

Mulder, Y.G., Lazonder, A.W., de Jong, T. (2011). Comparing two types of model progression in an inquiry learning environment with modelling facilities. Learning and Instruction, 21, 614-624.

van der Meij, J. & de Jong, T. (2011). The effects of directive self-explanation prompts to support active processing of multiple representations in a simulation-based learning environment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27, 411-423.

Kollöffel, B., de Jong, T., & Eysink, T.H.S. (2010). The influence of learner-generated domain representations on learning combinatorics and probability theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1-11

Kollöffel, B., Eysink, T.H.S., & de Jong, T., (2010). De rol van externe representaties bij onderzoekend leren met computersimulaties. Pedagogische Studiën, 87, 51-65.

de Jong, T., Eysink, T.H.S., & van Merriënboer, J. (2010). Leren met multipele representaties  in computergebaseerde leeromgevingen. Pedagogische Studiën, 87, 3-8.

Eysink, T.H.S. & de Jong, T. (2010). Leren in multimediale leeromgevingen: een vergelijking van instructiebenaderingen. Pedagogische Studiën, 87, 66-76.

de Jong, T. (2010). Cognitive load theory, educational research, and instructional design; some food for thought. Instructional Science, 38, 105-134.

Lazonder, A.W., Hagemans, M.G., & de Jong, T. (2010). Offering and discovering domain information in simulation-based inquiry learning. Learning and Instruction, 20, 511-520.

Mulder, Y.G., Lazonder, A.W., de Jong, T. (2010). Finding out how they find it out: An empirical analysis of inquiry learners' need for support. International Journal of Science Education, 32, 2033-2053.

de Jong, T. (2010). Book review of F. Reif Applying cognitive science to education: Thinking and learning in scientific and other complex domains. International Journal of Science Education, 32, 561-563.

de Jong, T., van Joolingen, W.R., Giemza, A., Girault, I., Hoppe, U., Kindermann, J., Kluge, A.W., Lazonder, A.W., Vold, V., Weinberger, A., Weinbrenner, S., Wichmann, A. Anjewierden, A., Bodin, M., Bollen, L. d´Ham, C., Dolonen, J., Engler, J., Geraedts, C., Grosskreutz, H., Hovardas, T., Julien, R., Lechner, J., Ludvigsen, S., Matteman, ­­­Y., Meistadt, Ø., Næss, B., Ney, M., Pedaste, M., Perritano, A., Rinket, M., von Schlanbusch, H., Sarapuu, T., Schulz, F., Sikken, J., Slotta, J., Toussaint, J., Verkade, A., Wajeman, C., Wasson, B., Zacharia, Z.C., & van der Zanden, M. (2010). Learning by creating and exchanging objects: the SCY experience. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41, 909-921.

Manlove, S., Lazonder, A.W., & de Jong, T. (2009). Collaborative versus individual use of regulative software scaffolds during scientific inquiry learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 17, 105-117.

Gijlers, H., Saab, N., van Joolingen, W.R., de Jong, T., & van Hout Wolters, B.A.M. (2009). Interaction between tool and talk: How instruction and tools support consensus building in collaborative inquiry learning environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25, 252-267.

Manlove, S., Lazonder, A.W., & de Jong, T. (2009). Trends and issues of regulative support use during inquiry learning: patterns from three studies. Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 795-803.

Bravo, C., van Joolingen, W. R. , de Jong, T. (2009). Using Co-Lab to build System Dynamics models: Students’ actions and on-line tutorial advice. Computers & Education, 53, 243-251.

Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2009). Sharing and confronting propositions in collaborative inquiry learning. Cognition and Instruction, 27, 239-268.

Kollöffel, B., Eijsink, T.H.S, de Jong, T., & Wilhelm, P. (2009). The effects of representational format on learning combinatorics from an interactive computer-simulation. Instructional Science, 37, 503-517.

Eysink, T.H.S., de Jong, T., Berthold, K., Kollöffel, B., Opfermann, M., & Wouters, P. (2009). Learner performance in multimedia learning arrangements: an analysis across instructional approaches. American Educational Research Journal, 46, 1107–1149.

van Merriënboer, J, Wopereis, I, Bosker R., Creemers, B., de Jong, T., Scheerens, J., Simons, P.R.J. (2009). 20 years Interuniversity Centre for Educational Research: A retrospective. Pedagogische Studiën, 86, 6, 474-481.

Pieters, J.M., Limbach, R., de Jong, T. (2007). Determining characteristics of an information support system for designing discovery learning environments. International Journal of Learning Technology, 3, 72-86.

Saleh, M., Lazonder, A., & de Jong, T. (2007). Structuring collaboration in mixed-ability groups to promote learning, verbal interaction and motivation of average-ability students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 32, 314-331.

van Joolingen, W.R., de Jong, T., & Dimitrakopoulou, A. (2007). Issues in computer supported inquiry learning in science. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23, 111-120.

Manlove, S., Lazonder, A.W., & de Jong, T. (2007).Software scaffolds to promote regulation during scientific inquiry learning. Metacognition & Learning, 2, 141-155.

Veermans, K., van Joolingen , W.R., & de Jong, T. (2006). Using heuristics to facilitate discovery learning in a simulation learning environment in a physics domain. International Journal of Science Education, 28, 341-361.

Vreman-de Olde, C. & de Jong, T. (2006). Scaffolding learners in designing investigation assignments for a computer simulation. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 22, 63-74.

de Jong, T. (2006). Nieuw leren en oude kennis: Over bestaande evidentie voor de effectiviteit van “nieuwe” en “oude” vormen van leren. Pedagogische Studiën, 83, 89-94.

Meij, J. van der, & de Jong, T. (2006). Supporting students' learning with multiple representations in a dynamic simulation-based learning environment. Learning and Instruction, 16, 199-212.

Manlove, S., Lazonder, A.W., & de Jong, T. (2006). Regulative support for collaborative scientific inquiry learning, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 22, 87-98.

de Jong, T. (2006). Computer simulations - Technological advances in inquiry learning. Science, 312, 532-533.

Hulshof, C. D., & de Jong, T. (2006). Using just-in-time information to support scientific discovery learning about geometrical optics in a computer-based simulation. Interactive Learning Environments, 14, 79-94.

Hulshof, C. D., Eysink, T.H.S., & de Jong, T. (2006). The ZAP Project: Designing interactive computer tools for learning psychology. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 43, 337–351

Bravo, C.,  van Joolingen, W. R. , de Jong, T. (2006). Modeling and simulation in inquiry learning: Checking solutions and giving intelligent advice. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 82, 769-784.

van Joolingen, W. R., de Jong, T., Lazonder, A. W., Savelsbergh, E., & Manlove, S. (2005). Co-Lab: Research and development of an on-line learning environment for collaborative scientific discovery learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 21, 671-688.

Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2005). The relation between prior knowledge and students’ collaborative discovery learning processes. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42, 264-282.

Saleh, M., Lazonder, A.W., & de Jong, T. (2005). Effects of within-class ability grouping on social interaction, achievement, and motivation. Instructional Science, 33, 105-119.

Hulshof, C. D., Eysink, T. H. S., Loyens, S., & de Jong, T. (2005). ZAPs: Using interactive programs for learning psychology. Interactive Learning Environments, 13, 39-53.

Vreman-de Olde, C. & de Jong, T. (2004). Student-generated assignments about electrical circuits in a computer simulation. International Journal of Science Education, 26, 859-873.

Swaak, J., de Jong, T., & van Joolingen, W.R. (2004). The effects of discovery learning and expository instruction on the acquisition of definitional and intuitive knowledge. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20, 225-234.

Pieters, J.M., Limbach, R. & de Jong, T. (2004). Designing discovery learning environments: Process analysis and implications for designing an information system. International Journal of Learning Technology, 1, 147-162.

Leemkuil, H.H., de Jong, T., de Hoog, R., & Christoph, N. (2003). KM Quest: a collaborative internet-based simulation game. Simulation & Gaming, 34, 89-111.

de Jong, T., & van der Hulst, A. (2002). The effects of graphical overviews on exploratory behaviour and knowledge acquisition in hypertext environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18, 219-232.

Gellevij, M., van der Meij, H., de Jong, T., & Pieters, J. (2002). Multimodal versus unimodal instruction in a complex learning context. Journal of Experimental Education, 70, 215-243.

Savelsbergh, E., de Jong, T., & Ferguson-Hessler, M.G.M. (2002). Situational knowledge in physics: the case of electrodynamics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39, 928-952.

Swaak, J., & de Jong, T. (2001). Discovery simulations and the assessment of intuitive knowledge. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17, 284-295.

Kuyper, M., de Hoog, R., & de Jong, T. (2001). Modeling and supporting the authoring process of multimedia simulation based educational software: a knowledge engineering approach. Instructional Science, 29, 337-359.

Haldane, A., van Heijst, G., Shalgi, N., de Hoog, R., de Jong, T. (2001). Is KM just a game? The knowledge management interactive training system. Knowledge Management, 4, 14-17.

Swaak, J., & de Jong, T., (2001). System vs. learner control in using on-line support for simulation-based discovery learning; effects on knowledge tests, interaction measures, and a subjective measure of cognitive load. Learning Environments Research, 4, 217-241.

Savelsbergh, E., de Jong, T., & Ferguson-Hessler, M.G.M. (2000). Physics learning with a computer algebra system: Towards a learning environment to promote elaborate problem representations. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 16, 229-243.

Veermans, K.H., de Jong, T., & van Joolingen, W.R. (2000). Promoting self directed learning in simulation based discovery learning environments through intelligent support. Interactive Learning Environments, 8, 229-255.

de Jong, T., Martin, E., Zamarro J-M., Esquembre, F., Swaak, J., & van Joolingen, W.R. (1999). The integration of computer simulation and learning support; an example from the physics domain of collisions. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36, 597-615.

de Vries, E., & de Jong, T. (1999). Task dependent design and evaluation of information systems; a study into structuring hypertext information for design problem solving, Instructional Science, 27, 285-302.

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Swaak, J., van Joolingen, W.R., & de Jong, T. (1998). Supporting simulation-based learning; the effects of model progression and assignments on definitional and intuitive knowledge. Learning and Instruction, 8, 235-253.

de Jong, T., & van Joolingen, W.R. (1998). Scientific discovery learning with computer simulations of conceptual domains. Review of Educational Research, 68, 179-202.

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de Vries, E., & de Jong, T. (1997). Using information systems while performing complex tasks an example from architectural design. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 46, 31-54.

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de Jong, T., & Ferguson-Hessler, M.G.M. (1996). Types and qualities of knowledge. Educational Psychologist, 31, 105-113.

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Ferguson-Hessler, M.G.M., & de Jong, T. (1993). Does physics instruction foster students' cognitive processes? A descriptive study of teacher activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30, 681-697.

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van Joolingen, W.R., & de Jong, T. (1992). Modeling domain knowledge for Intelligent Simulation Learning Environments. Computers & Education, 19, 29-38.

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